Knights and Castle Activity Package A.G. Smith Coloring Book & Medieval Castle - TWO COMPLETE BOOKS
History buffs, military enthusiasts, children, colorists of all ages will find this shrink wrapped two-volutme set an irrestistable adventure into the chivalrous days of yore. Knights and Armour Coloring Book presents beautifully rendered, historically accurate drawings of Vikings, Crusaders, Italian condottiere, Spanish foof-soldiers, Richard the Lion-Hearted and other warriors in authentic battle dress - complete with informative captions.
Cut & Assemble a Medieval Castle: A Full-Color Model of Caernarvon Castle in Wales offers an authentic replica of a famed fortress associated with the Princes of Wales (built ca. 1285-1322), including knights, peasants, heraldic banners, and more. Easy-to-follow instructions and diagrams tell how to cut and assemble walls, towers, gates, courtyard, etc. Informative text details historic background.
Original Dover (1985) publications. Two activity books, total of 96pg.