



This is a spell called "make them Realize Mistakes." It is a potent spell that assist with breaking one out of the throws of denial that there is a real problem that they are not facing in their lives.

My mentor say this spell will "wake one up" from feeling that 'all is well" with their actions, beliefs, thoughts and feelings when in fact they are not balanced and their beliefs, behaviors and actkions are no longer serving their peace, happiness and success in life at all.

This spell will bring for the TRUTH of the matters in their life, and allow them to realize mistakes, poor habits, self sabotage and even being the main cause of most of the chaos, loss, lack of relations and lack of success in their lives.

She also added that once this aligns, one or the target of these energies will have an "awakening" that assists them in bringing forth the positive changes needed to eliminate what is toxic in their lives, whether it is a habit, action or behavior on your part or their part, or if they need to change the habits and behaviors of people in their lives. Regardless, this can quickly motivate changes by empowering that they stop lying to themselves and understand the truth of what is truly happening and causing negativity in their life.

Blessings )O(