This new series focuses on the architectural design element known as the gargoyle. The mythical beasts come straight out of the imagination of mankind and were found on Greek temples in various forms. The Medieval use of gargoyles in architecture was inspired by the beast Goji that was defeated by St. Romanus.
Round Highlights:
1st design in the Gargoyles of the World collection!
Contains 2 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
On the obverse is a gargoyle found at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France.
The reverse offers a common design element built around a gothic architecture window frame. It captures the impressive imagery of gothic stained-glass cathedral windows. The text Gargoyles of the World stretches across the center of the design field with a small gargoyle perched on the O in the word Gargoyles.
SPECIFICATION: ----- Purity.999
Manufacturer Intaglio Mint
Diameter 39 mm
Edge Design Reeded
Series Gargoyle
Weight 2 Troy Ounces
gargoyle, mythical beasts, Greek temples, beast Goji, St. Romanus, Cathedral of Notre Dame, Laon Cathedral, gargoyle mythical beasts