Name:  #NF880   100 Fuchsia Seeds, Bonsai Hanging Flowers F.Alba Coccinnea DIY Planting Flowers
· Quantity: 100 Seeds, bulk package
· New seeds, high germination
· Zone: 1-11
uchsia, Fuchsia, bell flower, Guangdong is also called the lotus lamp. Is theOnagraceae, evergreen shrubs of the genus fuchsia. Up to 1 meters high. Stem and branches smooth, thin and slightly pendulous, usually with purple red.Leaves opposite or in whorls of clover, short petiolate, ovate lanceolate. Flowers solitary in axil, peduncular about 5 centimeter long, pendulous; calyx tubeoblong, sepals 4 crack, is located radially below corolla corolla, upside down, abell shaped, and thus its name. Stamen, pistil higher than the corolla, elephantlanterns hanging shall. Fuchsia has many varieties and hybrids. Such as "cover girl": Flowers double petals, calyx bright red, blue and purple calyx Fuchsia flowers white; calyx white, petals pink; single Fuchsia single flowers, sepalsmagenta, corolla white; "corolla Winston Churchill" Admiralty have larger redsepals and Lan Zi color, beautiful and noble.
Fuchsia native South American Peru and southern chile. Hi warm and humid in winter, sunny, cool summer, half shade environment. Most avoid hot, at the temperature above 30 DEG C on growth is very adverse, often into a semi dormant or death; winter slightly resistant to 3-5 degrees Celsius temperature;growth period suitable temperature of 10-23 DEG C. Require fertile sandy loam.Fuchsia as long day plants, prolonging the sunshine can promote the differentiation of flower bud and blossom, Guangdong with this method, which can control the Fuchsia during the Spring Festival to see the flowers.
Breed is given priority to with cuttage. September to May. General inserted after 10 days can take root. After a week or so can use the small basin plant. Also can sow seed, but not easy to. Guangdong area cultivated Fuchsia using cuttage seedling raising alpine cold in Liangshan in November, to move to the mountain on the basin, into seedlings up to certain requirements, should be removed tothe top, make its cap, to increase the collateral, then the full strong, generally 2-3 weeks after topping can blossom. Can use the pinching florescence control.Fuchsia in Guangzhou ground difficult summer, only to the mountain to summer.