These are fuser rebuild kits for the M600 series of printers
This includes the M601, M602, M603, M604, M605, M606 and M630
This Kit includes:
Qty 1 RM1-8395-FM3 Fuser Film Sleeve, Compatible
Qty 1 LPR-M600 Pressure Roller
Qty 1 RU7-0296-000 Fuser Gear (32T)
Qty 1 RU7-0297-000 Fuser Gear (18T)
Qty 1 GR-M600-17T Fuser Gear (17T)
These are new, not refurbed parts. These kits were purchased from Partsmart to refurbish some fusers I had on hand. These are unused - sealed kits I had.
Thanks for looking.