Plant/Stems Included: 1 Plant Bulb
Size: 2-10 Inches
Red Tiger Lotus Aquarium Lily (Nymphaea zenkeri) is a remarkable red bulb live aquarium plant that is sought after by most aquarium, pond, and paludarium hobbyists.
Tiger Lotus leaves are sensitive, thin, and can tear or slightly damage in shipment. Unlike other sellers, we like to send bulbs that already have nice sprouts growing out of them them. These plants grow incredibly fast so if the thin leaves tear or break off it is no big deal as they will grow back very fast.
The red tiger lotus gets its name from its deep red leaves; most varieties will have red leaves, but some might have green leaves with striations of red. Submerged leaves have a beautiful ruffled look that can add a lot of texture to the fish tank.
If allowed to grow to the surface of the tank, the red tiger lotus will produce a flower, typically in between white and yellow coloration; some rarer varieties might even give a lush pink or purple flower.
These plants are native to Africa, where they enjoy slow to stagnant water with relatively shallow depths. This allows for their bulbs to grow two feet (61 centimeters) from the aquarium substrate to the surface of the water.
At the surface, their leaves can grow an impressive 2 feet (61 centimeters) across. While these plants are easily maintained to stay at smaller sizes, they are fast growers and need to be trimmed daily in some cases.
Skill/Care Level: Beginner
Suggested Placement: MidGround | BackGround | Centerpiece
Co2 Requirement: None
Lighting Requirements: Low to High
Color: Deep Dark Red
Growth Rate: Fast