Classic Guitars of the 60s Hardcover Collectable

This is New Out of Print Collectable Hardcover Edition of Classic Guitars of the 60s edited by Tony Bacon.  The only blemish is on the back  cover.

Everything changed in the Sixties. At the heart of this mesmerizing decade was the electric guitar. Bent, distorted, reverbed and overloaded, its sound drove some of the most revolutionary music ever made. This colorful book, decked out with 340 color photos and four fold-out spreads, traces the guitars, players and music of the 60s year by year - from folk-rock to surf to psychedelia, plus jazz, blues and country. A special section features The Beatles and their influential axes.

This book provides a richly-illustrated account of electric guitars and their manufacturers from a seminal period in the history of popular music. From the classic to the bizarre, from the familiar to the esoteric, they are all here in big picture and full-color. Its magazine-type layout and writing approach makes for very easy perusal, providing an entertaining overview of the period and these fascinating time-pieces.
This book was published in 1997