Please do not place your order if the temperature (during the day or night) in your area is below 50℉ (10℃) or above 95℉ (35℃).
I will not be held responsible for symptoms of cold/hot weather shocked or killed plants.
Please look at your local weather forecast before placing your order.
You are purchasing one 3-6 inches tall (pot height is not included) Plinia Phithantha var. ESALQ Jaboticaba (Jaboticaba) Seedling Tree Starter Plant in 2.5'' square pot.
Jaboticaba Plinia Pitrantha var. ESALQ is a special selection of Plinia Phitrantha, which produces sweet delicious fruits, that are quite large up to 4cm in diameter.
The tree is extremely ornamental, having very large leaves, over 4 inch in length, and beautiful wine red new growth.
Phitrantha var. ESALQ can fruit in 3-5 years, as opposed to 6-8 years for regular jaboticaba. Similar growth habit and care as the regular jaboticaba.
It appreciates acid pH, and some shade while it's young (30-50% shade is good when the tree is still less than 4-5ft, especially if you live where it gets over 100F, and there is risk of drought). They can survive down to approximately 27-25F if exposure is brief.
The tree will fruit for many months out of the year, sometimes bearing 2-3 crops or more in one year. Not many growers have fruited this variety yet in the USA, so it is very rare. We do have a fruiting tree we enjoy very much!
ESALQ is an acronym for "Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz".
Trees grown from seeds are not identical to the parent tree.
Grown organically in Florida.
Pictures are from my garden of the actual plants and actual fruits that I grew.
Shipped via USPS First Class or Priority mail.
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