No creases, writing or underlining. There are faint gray smudges and splatter stains on the outer page edges but the interior is clean. The back cover has a few tiny nicks on the edge and one small dent on the bottom edge. The binding is straight and strong. Additional Details ------------------------------ Subject keyword: Active Fire Detection; SMOS Data; Forest Fire Occurrences; Doppler Weather Radar; Burned Area Mapping; Frost Hazard; Burned Areas; Agricultural Drought; Landslide Susceptibility; Drought Indicators; Burnt Area Estimates; Drought Index; SAR Image; LiDAR Data; Frost Risk; Frost Occurrence; Satellite Soil Moisture; Passive Microwave; NDWI; Drought Monitoring; Eo Data; Soil Moisture; Satellite Systems; TRMM PR; LST