Based on a popular video game, DARKSTALKERS follows the adventures of a band of supernatural beings known as the DarkStalkers. Although the demon Pyron controls most of their numbers, who populate his army, there is a growing faction of rebel DarkStalkers, led by the merman Rikou, the werewolf Jonathan Talbian, the golem Victor von Gerdenheim, the sasquatch Bigfoot, and his nephew Hairball. As they present a greater threat to Pyron, he sends out some of his most powerful troops to crush the opposition in battles so destructive that they draw the attention of demon hunters that want to destroy all DarkStalkers, good or bad. In this edition, Pyron gathers an evil supernatural army and sets about taking over the world! However, Felicia recruits a group of DarkStalkers to help fight back, but even their strength relies on the human teenager Harry Grimoire.