IR CS mount CCTV 3.5-8mm F1.2 manual zoom + iris + focus IR lens (NEW IN BOX for 1/2" and 1/3" CCD)
- Description: Fast IR compensated infrared lens (focuses IR and VISIBLE light on the same point.) It is a manual CCTV lens with all manual controls (IRIS, FOCUS, ZOOM). It is CS mount, so it needs CS mount camera (Watec type, for example), and it is not suitable for C mount. Designed for 1/3" or smaller CCD diagonals, although I have tested it successfully in 1/2" (it only vignettes a little at the lowest zoom, as soon as you go up it goes away). Length of 60mm and weight of 86gr. Great for meteors or astronomy video on high sensitivity cameras.
- Issues: none, it is sold new in its box with covers.