200+Purple Broccoli Seeds Early Burgundy Sprouting Broccoli Cold Hardy Vegetable USA

This English variety of Broccoli is bred for overwintering.The plants are about 30”tall,and the heads are an attractive purple color! Plant the seeds in early fall for an early spring crop. Adds great color and nutrition to the table when raw,but loses most of its purple color when cooked. It takes approximately 120 days to grow to maturity, but longer if overwintering.


Broccoli plant seeds grow best in cool weather, so starting seeds indoors 5-6 weeks before the last expected frost will ensure a faster crop. Shortly before the last frost and when the seedling reaches about 6 inches tall, plant them 1-2 feet apart in rows 2-3 feet apart. For direct sowing seeds,plant them 1 inch deep and 3 inch apart in full sun and rich soil, about 2-3 weeks before the last expected spring frost, germination can take place at temperatures as low as 40 degrees F. For fall planting, directly sow the seeds in late July or August.


Keep the young plants watered and remove weeds. Mulch helps discourage weeds and regulate soil temperature,and several applications of fertilizers or compost may also be needed. If several nights of below freezing temperature are expected,cover the plants.


The first small heads of broccoli should be ready to harvest in early spring, about 220 days after planting.Harvest them while they are still tight, and before the tiny buds begin to open, cut them with the stems attached, since these are also edible. Side shoots will continue to develop along the stem, and can be harvested as well, the plant will keep producing as long as weather conditions are favorable.

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