Make Healthful tea at a fraction of the cost by buying these seeds in bulk and growing your own Alsike Clover Tea. This is enough seed to grow in many many pots! Alsike clover can also be planted in fields (even ditches), and is very winter hardy. Pink clover is great for beginner gardeners, as it is a very easy perennial wildflower to grow and care for. It simply needs plenty of water.
Alsike clover blooms start out as white, and evolve into their true pink color within a couple months time. Nature is a fan of this clover as well. Bees enjoy pink clover for it's sweet nectar. Bee keepers plant clover next to their bee hives to make "clover honey". Deer are fans of eating clover as well. Livestock owners add Alsike clover to hay mixes, as the protein and energy content is greater than that of the red clover variety. Notably, horses should not consume it in large quantities as it does not digest well for them.