Purple and White Rock Cress
Fragrant, Groundcover, Honey Bee, Rock Garden
This mat-forming perennial grows 4 to 10 inches tall and has white, 4-petaled flowers.
It is native to the mountains of Europe.
Rock cress is a spring bloomer that makes an excellent ground cover, and it works well in border edges and rock gardens.
The fragrant flowers attract honey bees. Prefers lean, well-draining soils.
Provide some afternoon shade if grown in USDA zones 7-8.
Foliage can be cut back after blooming to encourage a denser growth habit.
This white rock cress (Arabis Alpina) is a low-maintenance ground cover with sweet fragrance that attracts butterflies and bees.
Arabis Alpina Snow Peak will cascade beautifully over a stone wall or a rocky ledge.
It is cold-hardy to zone 4. However, in cold areas it will need winter mulch to protect the roots.
Generally, the rock cress takes one year to get established, and then begins to spread in its second season.
Once established, it is pretty drought tolerant.
After the flowering period, you need to cut back the Arabis Alpina plant to give it good care.
In areas with mild winters, the leaves of this ground cover plant hold their looks into winter