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TITLE: HIGHLIGHTS Children's Magazine
[ Rare Children's magazine -- Stories, Illustrations, Activities, Music, Puzzles and MORE! See FULL contents below!]
ISSUE DATE: Vacation Issue, 1951; Vol. 6, No. 6
CONDITION: Standard sized magazine, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

A Friendly Talk, Garry Cleveland Myers, Ph.D.
The Cocoa-Colored Bear, Barbee Oliver Carleton.
The Seal Who Was Afraid of Water, Frances Bryson.
The Lost Hair Ribbons, Russell Cordon Carter.
Two Captains, Nora Burglon.
Vacation Is Here, Edith Vestal.
The Man Who Would Not Quarrel, James Burleigh.
Iran and Iraq, Mabelle E. Martin.
Winky's World, Miriam Clark Potter.
Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, Irene Bennett Needham.
Pouncer Gets a Ride, James E. Bathgate.
Dorothy and the Robins, Betty Lawrence.
If You Lived in Russia.
Ice Cream and How It Happened, Carol Collver.
Dogs That Work, Earl Sherwan.
Sammy Spivens, Dorothy Waldo Phillips.
Goofus and Gallant, Garry Cleveland Myers.
Leaflets Three, Duane and Helen Isely.
Our Own Page.
Highlights Among Toys, selected by Caroline Myers.
Highlights Among Books, reviewed by Caroline Myers.
The Timbertoes, John Gee.
The Bear Family, Garry Cleveland Myers.

The Brook, Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
Alone with God, Myrtle G. Burger.
How Tommy Lost His Tongue, Dora Marchant Conger.
Summer Shower, Beatrice Longcor.

Fun with Fingers, selected by Anna Mary Demer.
For Wee Folks.
Brain Teasers.
Bubbles, Irene Burkett.
A Playtime Movie, Margaret M. Grady.
Sawdust and Nails, Lawry Turpin.
Summer Fun.
A Summer Picnic, Christine Mabry.
Crossword Puzzle, Margaret R. McHale.
Hidden Pictures, Alice Chapin.
Fun with Food, May F. McElravy.
Matching Insects.
Things to Do.

Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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