Diamond microdermabrasion stands out due to its notable absence of crystals, a feature associated with potential side effects in crystal microdermabrasion. While crystal microdermabrasion can lead to temporary discomfort, redness, or dryness post-treatment, these side effects are often more influenced by the patient's skin type than the properties of the crystals. Notably, individuals with sensitive skin may still experience side effects even when opting for diamond microdermabrasion. The allure of diamond microdermabrasion extends beyond its crystal counterpart, especially from the perspective of treatment providers. Key benefits of diamond microdermabrasion include enhanced safety, cost-effectiveness, and a more compact machine size, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a minimally invasive and efficient skincare solution.
Package Contents:
1x Main Machine
1x PVC Vacuum Hose
3x Stainless Steel Wands x 3
9x Diamond Tips x 9
2x Cotton Filters (1 large, 1 small)
Additional connectors, tube rings, and fuses