Complete yearly series of short teachings drawn up for each day of the year in relation to the lives of saints, holidays, and other sacred events remembered by the church, and adapted to the living preaching word (improvisation) In Russian/Polnyy godichnyy krug kratkikh poucheniy, sostavlennykh na kazhdyy den' goda primenitel'no k zhitiyam svyatykh, prazdnikam i dr. svyashchen. sobytiyam, vospominaemym tserkoviyu, i prisposoblennykh k zhivomu propovednicheskomu slovu (improvizatsii). In Russian. Dyachenko, Grigory Mikhailovich. Full year round of brief teachings drawn up for each day of the year in relation to the lives of saints, holidays, and other sacred events remembered by the church, and adapted to the living preaching word (improvisation). Moscow: 1895, A.D. Stupin The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5237957