Acrylicos The Company, born in the vibrant state of New Jersey in 1965, embarked on a colorful journey. Initially, it focused on crafting vibrant hues for animated films, breathing life into beloved cartoons. However, the true crescendo of their success emerged in the 90s, when they unveiled a plethora of innovative products tailored for the Model painting and Hobby realm. Pioneering the realm of acrylic colors, their expertise in this artistic domain is unparalleled. Among their remarkable offerings is the Water-based Polyurethane Primer, a versatile masterpiece that can be used independently or harmoniously blended with other artistic accomplices like Varnishes and Mediums.---FEATURES:---A) Aquatic Cleanliness: Our Surface Primer boasts an effortless cleansing process, as a mere splash of water is all it takes to restore its pristine condition. Bid farewell to the hassle of stubborn stains and tedious scrubbing sessions.
B) Booze-Free Fusion: We strongly advise against any rendezvous between our Surface Primer and alcohol or solvents. These mischievous substances may disrupt the harmonious composition of our product, leading to undesirable consequences. Keep them at bay and let our primer shine in all its glory.
C) Airbrush Artistry: Embrace the versatility of our Surface Primer, which can be expertly applied using either an airbrush or a brush. Whether you prefer the finesse of an airbrush or the precision of a brush, our primer effortlessly adapts to your artistic preferences, ensuring a flawless finish every time.
D) Magnificent Miniatures: Our Surface Primer is available in a range of bottle sizes, catering to your specific needs. Choose from the enchanting options of 17, 60, or 200 ml, allowing you to embark on your creative journey with the perfect amount of primer at your disposal. Let your imagination run wild without any limitations.