UP FOR SALE IS beebalm, wild bergamot, mint leaf bergamot, monarda fistulosa. 150 seeds.
famous for its beauty and fragrance, wild bergamot is an old wildflower favorite with its lovely clusters of pink to lavender flowers that look like fireworks. it is one of the best attractors of beneficial butterflies, hummingbirds and bees, its deer and rabbit resistant, drought tolerant, makes long-lasting cut flowers, minty potpourri, easy to grow and maintain, excellent in containers as well as the flower garden.
flowers in its second year and every year after.
perennial hardy
Zone: 3-10
Sun: full sun to part shade
Water: regular to low
Soil: rich, well-draining soil and will also do well in dry poor soils.
Height: 2'-4' tall.
Bloom time: summer into fall.
difficultly: very easy