Volkov Alexander. A complete cycle of fairy tales about the Emerald City in 6 volumes: The Wizard of the Emerald City, Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers, the Seven Underground Kings, the Fire God Marranov, the Yellow Fog, the Mystery of the Abandoned Castle. In Russian/Volkov Aleksandr. Polnyy tsikl skazok ob Izurudnom gorode v 6 tomakh: Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda, Urfin Dzhyus i ego derevyannye soldaty, Sem podzemnykh koroley, Ognennyy bog Marranov, Zheltyy tuman, Tayna zabroshennogo zamka. Sketches of Vladimir Kanivts. Moscow Exmo. 2016 -2019. 224s and 224s and 224s and 224s and 224s and 200s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb1f8fef75887248f9