Balloon. Organ of the Imperial All-Russian Aero-Club. 1911, N 11. In Russian/Vozdukhoplavatel. Organ Imperatorskogo Vserossiyskogo Aero-kluba. 1911 g. N 11. St. Petersburg 1911. Zverev: The secret of flying birds., Balloon shells. Air fleet and maneuvers. On the training of military pilots. Beknev: Maturity issues. -th: Concerning the aero-plane competition in France. Yatsuk: Tanzifmeter Largier. D.S.: Aeroplanes 1911. Vasilenko: Orientation on an aeroplane. I.L.: Free flights of the official aeronautical school in 1911 Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb9bae351c5c585520