Vitol A. M., M. V. Glushkov. Sketch Project for the Reconstruction of Nikolaevsky Bridge in St. Petersburg, In Russian/Vitol A. M., M. V. Glushkov. Eskiznyy proekt pereustroystva Nikolaevskogo mosta v g. S.-Peterburge, prepared by the engineers A. M. Vitol and M. V. Glushkov, who are at the disposal of the Board of the St. Petersburg District, under the consultant Professor S. I. Belzetsky / Predisl.: head of the St. Petersburg District, V. Orlovsky. St. Petersburg St. Petersburg, near the joint venture, (Y.N. Erlich) 1910. 10.-VIII, p., 3 l. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbbb1637658b582e0c