Verderevsky E.A. Captive at Shamil. The true story of Shamils eight-month and six-day captivity (in 1854-1855) of the families of the late General Orbeliani and Lieutenant Colonel Chavchavadze, based on the testimonies of those who took part in the event. In Russian/Verderevskiy E. A. Plen u Shamilya. Pravdivaya povest o vosmimesyachnom i shestidnevnom (v 1854-1855 g.) prebyvanii v plenu u Shamilya semeystv: pokoynogo gen.- m. kn. Orbeliani i podpolk. kn. Chavchavadze, osnovannaya na pokazaniyakh lits, uchastvovavshikh v sobytii. Tyre Room 5, Moscow Publishing House, V. Sekachev, 2012, 316p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbc44f79f83337275f