Louis Boussenard. A collection of works in 10 volumes. (1st series). In Russian/Bussenar Lui. Sobranie sochineniy v 10 tomakh. (1-ya seriya). M. Ladomir. 1991-1993 vol. 1 Ice Hell. No pennies in your pocket. T.2 Adventures in the Land of Lions. Adventures in the Land of Tigers. Adventures in the Land of Bison. T.3 Ten Million Opossums. France at the North Pole. T.4 Diamond Thieves Part 1, Vol. 2 Diamond Thieves Part 3. Canadian Hunters Part 6 The Extraordinary Adventures of Blue Man Part 1.2. Vol. 7 The Extraordinary Adventures of Blue Man Part 3 Guiana Robinsons Part 1. Vol. 8 The Monstrous Archipelago Part 9 Bengal Oddlers. Captain Sorvi Head Vol. 10. Guiana Robinsons Part 2, 3. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb0ce5299ff2c72545