Port Orford Cedar Tree {Chamaecyparis lawsoniana} Evergreen HUGE GROWTH! | Valuble timber | Use For Privacy Row | 25+ seeds.
Port Orford Cedar
Scientific name: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Family: Cupressaceae
Type: Coniferous trees
Native: YES
Plant Requirements
Zone: 5 to 8
Sun: Full to partial sun
Moisture: Medium
Plant Characteristics
Height: 100 ft
Width: 40 ft
Additional Characteristics
Small lot suitable
Flowering tree
Safe for beneath power lines
Good Fall color
Leaves fragrant
Gold foliage
Wildlife value
Attract hummingbirds
Attract butterflies
Attract birds
Port Orford Cedar is a majestic Northwest native that grows best under maritime conditions
of northern California into southern Oregon in the Coast Range. It is best recognized for
its massive thick trunk conical silhouette and blue-green foliage. Also known as Lawson Falsecypress.
This evergreen conifer grows from 60’-100’ feet tall and up to 40’ wide at maturity. It forms a narrow
pyramidal tree featuring short upright branches and gently weeping tips.
Foliage consists of fern like leaves arranged in flattened sprays of blue-green needles with a spicy
scent. Flattened frond-like twigs are arranged horizontally. The underside of the foliage displays
distinct white "X" markings. Conversely, Western Red Cedar has “butterfly” shape on the underside
of the leaves.
Male pollen cones form on the tips of the branchlets, and are ovate to oblong and dark brown to red
at the time of pollen release in the late winter. Female flowers are green to blue-green, developing
into round seed cones that are 1/3” across. Upon maturity they open and turn brown.
Brown, weathering to a gray-brown, mature bark is fibrous, ridged, deeply furrowed and may reach 4 to
8 inches thick near the base.
Port Orford Cedar can grow in either sun or partial shade. It must have a well drained site and shelter
from strong winds.
Because of its size this conifer is best suited to larger landscapes such as parks, golf courses or estates.
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: sow seed1/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch seed bed
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