There are hundreds of fancy printable fonts out there, but people still value actual hand-done calligraphy for special occasions, due to its elegance and uniqueness. If you need wedding invitations, or a meaningful poem or song to be framed, I would be very happy to help make your occasion memorable.

How this works:
- Price is negotiated based on type of font, type of ink & pen, and number of lines/words. Describe your need in the personalization box, and I will give you a quote. I'm listing everything as $1 for convenience, but once I know what you need, I will explain options.
- Quote will include shipping and any materials needing to be purchased. I don't charge for pens and ink, but do charge for the paper. I will also provide a time estimate. (It's hard to indicate variable shipping on Etsy, so let's just say I try to be very fair, and it depends on your project.)
- In my photos above, these wedding place cards are standard Italic font, black ink, felt-tip. I would charge $1.50 per card, since there are 1.5 lines of writing per card.
- Example: You need 50 place cards for a wedding dinner. You provide the cards, and are OK with standard Italic font written with felt-tip calligraphy pen. You need 1 line of writing on each card. I would charge $1/card (plus shipping). If you need a lot, like over 100, I would give a discount.