cover hinge crease spine color faded. cover rub marks, bend marks and wrinkles. edge nicks and corner creases. some page corners bent. no marks on text.
The most immediate, the most urgent challenge for the 1980s is how Bishop Desmond Tutu, Christian apologist and opponent of apartheid, passionately presents South Africa to the world. His voice, according to the book's introduction, is the voice of one crying in the wilderness - the voice of African hope and aspiration... a voice of Christian prophecy, compassion, and, perhaps surprisingly, christian humor. All these elements are found in this moving collection of Bishop Tutu's sermons speeches, articles, and press statements during 1978-1980 when Tutu served as General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches (SACC). Each selection includes an introduction by editor John Webster providing historical background and identifying people and places mentioned in the text. Webster also provides a general introduction which describes the apartheid system, charts the history of the church is South Africa, and assesses the scope and world-wide relevance of the Bishop's life and work.