MICROBIT Totem Crab Educational Development Kit – Robot Construction Kit Toy
Totem Crab™ is one of the alien robots Binary found on Planet Totem. With a brand new BinaryBots sensor board and awesome pincer, bring the crab alive with code today! The Crab has an awesome motorized mechanical pincer. Targeted at 11 yrs plus, the kit includes magnetic components as well as small screws and bolts. The coding is also a little more complex as it is now motion and emotion-based with the unique sensor boards that can react and change the mood of the animals based on motion, light, and temperature. The kit is based on the BBC Micro: bit interface. Children can build whatever they want but the same applies in terms of them having to bring them to life with code. No plug and play. Beginner level. Educational toy products. Learning toys for kids. Toys for above 11 years. Educational toy for boys and girls. Beginner Unisex Child. Best for child group activities. Beginner Unisex Child Physical learning fun toy. Binary Bots Sensor Board | Perfect kid's educational toy for boys and girls ages 2 and up | Physical Learning.
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