Arthur Conan Doyle. A collection of works in 12 volumes. Foggy earth. The shadow of the great man. The Adventures of Michael Clarke. The Archive of Sherlock Holmes. Sir Nigel Loring. 221-b Baker Street, The Duet with the Random Choir. Exiles. Valley of Terror. The Horror of Blue Jlns Cleft. The Mystery of Klumbe. In Russian/Artur Konan Doyl. Sobranie sochineniy v 12 tomakh. Tumannaya zemlya. Ten velikogo cheloveka. Priklyucheniya Mikheya Klarka. Arkhiv Sherloka Kholmsa. Ser Naydzhel Loring. Beyker-strit 221-b, Duet so sluchaynym khorom. Izgnanniki. Dolina uzhasa. Uzhas rasshcheliny golubogo Dzhlna. Tayna Klumbe. Natasha, Vnuchata 1993-1994. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbb9704baa4f08299e