1- 1991 Annalee 9" Good Boys and Girls Santa with the list, open eyes, open mouth smile, sitting on a bag full of gifts? listed as used but probably new, very good condition, from a closing store, no original box, with the tags
2- 1992 Annalee Doll 9" Santa coming down the chimney with gifts. smiling open mouth, eyes open. green bag with toys, listed as used but probably new, very good condition, from a closing store, no original box, all the tags
3- 1993 Annalee 8" red suit girl, with green scarf, closed eyes, closed mouth smile. listed as used but probably new, very good condition, from a closing store, no original box, with the tags
4- 1993 Annalee Doll kid 7" Open eyes, closed mouth, blonde hair, yellow hat with red spinner, white shirt with pink ice cream stains, blue pants, white shoes, holds ice cream cone, white base with scoop of ice cream. 10th Anniversary Edition. Doll Society Logo. listed as used but probably new, very good condition, from a closing store, no original box, with the tags
5- 2004 Annalee Doll 8" "Alex", gnome/mouse with red suit, hat, open eyes, long white beard, white body,red jacket with brown fur and embroidered trim. Boscov's Exclusive. listed as used but probably new, very good condition, from a closing store, no original box, all the tags
6- Annalee Bedtime mouse, sleeping dress and candlestick, 8", new, no original box [Annalee box1]
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