Black Berry Lily {Belmcanda chinensis} Perennial | Ornamental | Medicinal | 10 seeds
Clump-forming herbaceous perennial monocot with fan-shaped leaves giving
rise to upright stalks that bear multiple exotic waxy golden orange flowers.
The flowers are birthed in the morning and live for one day only, drying up
into twisty strands that eventually give way to the weighty pods.
When the pods mature, they split open to reveal the seeds that resemble
a blackberry but do not taste like a blackberry. The plant continues to
flower for quite a few weeks during the summer, and it puts on quite a
show–a lot like daylilies but not daylilies. The roots are bright gold in
color. Traditional usage (TCM): upper respiratory infection.
Sow the seed in the early spring directly in cool soils in the garden,
or give 30 days cold/moist refrigeration and then sow in pots or flats in
the greenhouse. Germination can take up to 6 weeks. The seedlings are
delightful tiny iris, and they are really cute. Plant prefers moist soil
and full sun to part shade. Space 1 to 2 feet apart.