Pink Sainfoin {Onobrychis viciifolia} Showy Blooms | High Nectar | Cutting Heirloom | Self seeding annial | 50+ seeds

Tall nitrogen-fixing perennial legume with hollow, succulent stems 

and pink-striped flowers. Large, deep branching taproot and fine 
lateral roots. Drought tolerant and winter hardy. Low salt tolerance. 
Intolerant of high water tables and wet soils; long-lived on dryland 
when managed properly. Matures faster than Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), 
providing early spring forage. Quickly gaining popularity as a non-bloat 
forage alternative to alfalfa. Extremely palatable and highly nutritious; 
digestibility equal to alfalfa. Use for hay, pasture, rangeland or silage, 
alone or with grasses. Also use for wildlife habitat enhancement and food 
plots for elk, deer, pheasant and sage-grouse. Superior honey plant to 
alfalfa. Not invasive or weedy.