Title: Dark Obsession: A True Story of Incest and Justice
Authors: Shelley Sessions, Peter Meyer
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York
Publication Year: 1990
Format: Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Condition: Good
Dark Obsession: A True Story of Incest and Justice by Shelley Sessions and Peter Meyer is a harrowing and compelling true crime narrative that delves into the disturbing realities of incest and the pursuit of justice. Published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons in 1990, this book provides an in-depth look at a family's dark secrets and the legal battles that ensued.
Dark Obsession: A True Story of Incest and Justice is a powerful and unsettling read that explores the depths of human depravity and the resilience required to seek justice. This edition, in good condition, is ideal for true crime enthusiasts and those interested in legal dramas. Photographs of the book are available upon request to provide a detailed view of its condition.