Escapade-Vintage Man's Magazine Lot of 15

Issue: / Year:

Condition: VG

-1956-Jan, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Nov


-1958-Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct

-Tennessee Williams, Erskine Caldwell, Lili St Cyr, Barbara Nichols, Russ Meyers photos, Theodore Pratt, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Dane Arden, Nelson Algren, Brigitte Bardot, Robert Bloch, PG Wodehouse, Thomas Wolfe, Bohemia, Fritz Leiber, Perry Como,
Groucho Marx, Ray Bradbury, Valerie French, Don Martin art, Lori Shea, Nassau Speed Week, Sue Ann Langdon

-Cheesecake pix, pulp fiction, spicy stories, exploitation, scandals and more

-Originally published by Dee Publishing, the issues from Dec 1957 on were from Bruce pulps in Derby CT, and were involved with Charlton and their distribution system

-Unique offering, most issues are VG, some FN- or more

Publisher: Charlton
Sku:  U2-80-181


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