Experience a thrilling night in Los Angeles with Collateral (2004), a neo-noir crime film starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. Cruise plays a ruthless hitman who takes a cab driver, played by Foxx, hostage and forces him to drive him around the city for a series of killings.

This 2-disc set is in very good condition, with minimal wear and tear on the discs and case. The discs themselves may have some minor scratches, but they should not affect playback.

Here's what you get:

A Gripping Night on the Town

Get ready for an edge-of-your-seat experience as an ordinary taxi driver gets entangled in a deadly night of crime.

Why Buy From Me?


The DVD and case are in very good condition, with some potential minor wear and scratches. The discs have been visually inspected and are free of any major damage. They are likely playable without issue, but minor scratches can sometimes affect playback quality on some DVD players.