Taking place shortly after the events portrayed in the first Two Worlds, The Temptation takes place in Eastern Antaloor, in the regions surrounding Oswaroh and the Drakāar Desert. Featuring as much content as the original, Two Worlds: The Temptation features more intricate missions, improved voice-overs and animations, retooled horseback riding, completely revamped combat, and a new game engine that delivers improved visuals.
Two Worlds II Pirates Of The Flying Fortress Add On:
Captivating story with a non-linear plot and creative and amusing side quests offer more than 15 hours of in a new, astonishingly beautiful setting
Completely new race: "The Olorums", which populate this new part of the world and unique Boss encounters, each to be defeated with the use of vastly different strategies as well as numerous types of distinct monsters
Over 60 new weapons with new attack techniques and the introduction of Crossbows as compeletly new weapon category offer players a fresh approach to the fighting system
All-new archipelago with "The Pirate Guild" as new NPC group opens an unseen part of Antaloor and can be explored either by foot, swimming, by boat or on horseback
90 minutes of additional atmospherically toned music and a ton of new sound and tons of new Multiplayer Maps