TC-4001 Inline Watt Meter Test Center (0-4,000 Watts)
- The Dosy TC-4001 Test Center will indicate the power output (in watts) of your equipment at the point in the transmission line where you have installed the test center.
- To measure any power from 1 to 2000 watts, just set the Mode Selector Switch to the appropriate range: 20, 200, 2000 watts.
- Reads RMS and Peak Power, Measures Modulation Percentage, Measures Antenna SWR, Measures SSB Modulation.
- Large 4 1/2 inch Meter for easy visibility.
- Four Watt Ranges: 0 - 20, 0 - 200, 0 - 2000 and 0 - 4000.
- Product Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 7 inches.
- Weight: 2 lbs.