It can be added to chicken with stir-fried vegetables, to potatoes with chicken in the oven, to Indian Golish, to rice and fish in the oven, or fried fish.
The pungent smell of Indian curry is probably familiar to everyone, and it turns out that this spice has long been not the domain of Indian cuisine only; even in Israel, it has already been found to add aroma, flavor, and color to food.
The curry mixes can be found in various spiciness levels; the characteristic yellow color of the curry is given to it due to the turmeric spice, which is a large part of it.
The curry contains ground-dried coriander, black pepper, fenugreek, and cumin. In other cultures, such as the Thai culture, some add spices to the mixture, such as fennel, cloves, cinnamon, and allspice, making the mixture even healthier.
The hollyhock plant is used in alternative medicine as an anti-depressant and a miracle cure for digestive problems, asthma, and lung diseases.
The Indian curry can be added to dishes such as tandoori chicken - a traditional Indian dish, grilled chicken, beef dishes, meatballs, stir-fried rice, and other meat dishes.
Turmeric, cumin, ground coriander, yellow mustard, ginger, black pepper, fenugreek, cloves, sweet paprika.
Badatz Rabbi Machfod, Badatz Rabbi Rubin, Bat Yam rabbinate.
120 gram