Tendersweet Carrot is the perfect choice for those seeking an extra-sweet, flavorful carrot variety. Boasting a higher sugar content than other varieties, this carrot offers a delicious flavor and texture ideal for any recipe. Tendersweet Carrots feature a uniform, long shape of 7-10-inches, smooth-skinned roots, and nearly coreless center. Delicious roasted or glazed, pureed for soups and desserts, or shredded for salads and slaws and a rich source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants.
Soil Preparation and Fertilizing:
Carrots are a cool-season crop and don't do as well in hot summer months. Carrots like loose, well-drained soil to allow the roots to expand easily. If the soil is full of rocks and clods, the roots can become misshapen. To prepare the soil, clear the area of rocks, trash, and large sticks. Small pieces of grass and leaves can be mixed into the soil to make it richer. Spade the soil 8-12 inches deep and completely cover plant material. You may optionally scatter 1 cup of a complete fertilizer on the soil for each 10 feet of row to be planted. Rake the soil until it is smooth and work the beds into 4-6 raised ridges to allow soil to drain and let air enter soil. Space the ridges 8-12 inches apart from center to center or further apart if carrots are to be followed by a summer crop. You plant 2 or more rows of carrots on each ridge.
Plant seeds as soon as the soil can be worked in the Spring and soil temperature reaches about 45F. For a Fall crop, plant in mid-to-late Summer for a harvest before the first frost. Use a hoe handle or stick to make a 1/2 inch furrow deep down the center of the ridge. Plant 2-3 seeds in the furrows spaced 3 inches apart within the rows. Cover lightly with loose soil then sprinkle with water. You may cover with a thing layer of fine compost or potting mix to help retain moisture.
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Within-Row Spacing:
3 inch
Between-Row Spacing:
12 inches