Hoya Bella likes lots of bright, indirect sun. These hoyas can tolerate medium light, but they’ll become weaker and leggy and produce fewer leaves (and flowers) in lower light.

Let your hoya indoor plants dry out between waterings. Soak the soil thoroughly until the water drains out of the drainage holes. You’ll need to water more when they’re receiving more light, so adjust accordingly. Avoid over-watering. When the colder months arrive, cut back on watering; in wintertime, only water the soil when dry for a few days. Keep in mind Hoya Bella has thinner leaves than many other wax vines; therefore, closely monitor the soil and water thoroughly once the soil is dry through and through.

Almost all types of hoya need soil with excellent drainage. Hoya should never be planted in dense soil mixtures with moisture-retaining crystals.

Most hoyas love warm environments between 65-85℉ and should be kept away from drafty windows and doorways during the colder months.

Although hoyas can handle most household humidity levels, they will grow more rapidly when the humidity exceeds 50 percent. Do what you can to increase the humidity for these tropical, hanging, indoor vines. Add pebble trays filled with water under your indoor plants, group plants together, or use a cool-mist humidifier.

For hoyas, a higher nitrogen fertilizer encourages foliar growth. When they’re about to bloom, switch to a higher phosphorus content. Fertilize with a complete liquid fertilizer or fish emulsion twice a month during the summer. You can also apply a top dressing of worm castings or compost in the spring, which acts as a slow-release fertilizer. Only fertilize during the growing season (spring through summer).

Growth Rate
Hoya Bella has a medium-to-fast growth rate once established. From peduncle formation to flowering, it takes roughly 6 to 8 weeks for this plant to bloom. In some instances, gardeners have seen over 100 blossoms in a single flowering season. The vines of the Hoya Bella houseplant can reach a length of two to three feet.

Pet Friend or Foe
The Hoya Bella vine is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Friend!