Made in Egypt
SIZE . 10.5*3*6 INCH
Raw.solid polystone
The goddess of cats, Lower Egypt , the sun and the moon
Bastet in the retarded form of a cat-headed woman.
His name is in hieroglyphs
W1 t B1
The main worship center Tell Basta
Code cat spitting
wives Ptah , Anubis
parents ra
the father ra Modify the value of a property (P22) in Wikidata
the mother Hathor Modify the value of a property (P25) in Wikidata
siblings Tefnut , Shu , Sarqite , Sekhmet (on some occasions), Hathor (on some occasions), Thoth , Ptah (on some occasions)
offspring Maahes , Khonsu
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Bastet, one of the gods of the ancient Egyptians. Worshiped in the form of a gentle cat, she was merged with the goddess Sekhmet in the modern state , where Sekhmet is represented in the form of a predatory lioness. When Bastet gets angry, she becomes Sekhmet, and takes revenge on enemies and those of bad character. The city of Bubastis (Tel Basta) was the center of her worship. The cat symbolizes the goddess Bastet, the daughter of the sun god RaThe drawings depicted a woman with a cat's head. Therefore, Bastet is considered the goddess of tenderness and meekness, as it has been closely associated with women. The ancient Egyptian domesticated the cat for noticing that it hunted mice that entered the granaries to eat and spoil them. The ancient Egyptian also raised it in homes. And when she died, he used to embalm her as he embalms his dead. Was found in Egypt on one of the large tombs containing about a million mummified cats, mummified extremely precise and tight. Show great respect for her.