Retired ~ Tom Clark Gnome "Rip Van Winkle" #1129, Year 1986, Edition #59, with C.O.A. & Story Card

"Washington Irving's story of the 18th century character has inspired this piece, especially after Rip left his home for a short walk and joined the little people in their music and drink. Hendrick of Hudson Valley, the Woodspirit you see on the piece, is probably the culprit who gave Rip the potent drink that made him sleep for 20 years. After this long nap, Rip will be surprised to learn that the George who now rules his country in 1776 is not the King of England, but George Washington, whose face is depicted on the coin. Only true believers in Woodspirits can find the face on the tree behind Rip. 

Approximately 7" Tall & 6.25" Round Base, Felt Bottom
I believe there are a couple of spots of missing paint around the base, but I'm not positive it wasn't created that way. Without Box. Carefully wrapped and packed with love.