Super Trouper has large double flowers that resemble mini carnations in size with spicy cinnamon fragrance. They are free-blooming, continuous flowering, easy to grow while being heat and drought tolerant. Fully double, fragrant blooms. An all-around excellent pot carnation. Great for container and garden uses. Works well as Zone-6 perennial. This pot carnation collection is a strong performer in pots and gardens. SuperTrouper has an upright habit, double flowers, an excellent color range and a wonderful fragrance. DIANTHUS: A wonderful plant found in many heirloom gardens, Dianthus have been a favorite of gardeners for generations. Easy to grow and wonderfully colored, it is no wonder to find them a part of so many gardens.

Zones 6-9

Mature Height: 10-14 inches. Spread: 10-12 inches.

Summer blooming, Very fragrant

Prefers sun or partial sun

Immediate shipping. Shipped dormant in the winter