Ex-library, usual library markings, text clean, binding tight, edge wear, NO JACKET, 1939, pages yellowed, 397 pages, Prentice Hall,
Additional Details
Product description: Excerpt from Production and Direction of Radio Programs The Purpose of this book is to provide a useful volume on radio production for those who are busy performing tasks within the industry and for those who hope to enter radio's gates to create or direct, entertain or inform, or to assist in any capacity. Radio has grown so fast that many persons employed in it have only a vague conception of the functions involved in producing and directing programs. As in the theatre, each one who does a special task should understand the work of the others who surround him. It is especially necessary in radio that the program builder's work be clear to those who are in administration, engineering, sales, and publicity. The entire industry exists for the sake of the production functions which this book describes. Radio broadcasting as at present organized will proudly survive only in so far as knowledge, skill, and the showman's flair are increasingly evident in radio performances. Competent craftsmanship is more worthy of honor than clever salesmanship. The proficient showman is of more value to a radio organization than the adroit manipulator. It is as important for the student of radio broadcasting to understand these values as it is for those employed in the industry. Radio has come to a point at which it has the same glamorous appeal as motion pictures. Thousands every year are drawn to it, seeking fame and fortune.