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This is a hard back book in good used condition with wear on the corners/edges/surface of the DJ. 2000

IN MY LIFE: THE BRIAN EPSTEIN STORY by Debbie Geller - "Without the determination, magnetism, vision, good manners, respectable clothes and financial security of Brian Epstein, no one would ever have heard of John, Paul, Ringo and George. In Liverpool, in December 1961, Brian Epstein met the Beatles in his small office and signed a management deal. The rest may be history, but it"s a history that Epstein created, along with a blueprint for all pop groups ever since. Out of the public eye, Epstein was flamboyant and charismatic. He drank, gambled compulsively and took drugs to excess. But people remember his wit, charm and capacity to inspire affection and loyalty.
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This is a hard back book in good used condition with wear on the corners/edges/surface of the DJ. 2000 IN MY LIFE: THE BRIAN EPSTEIN STORY by Debbie Geller - "Without the determination, magnetism, vision, good manners, respectable clothes and financial security of Brian Epstein, no one would ever have heard of John, Paul, Ringo and George. In Liverpool, in December 1961, Brian Epstein met the Beatles in his small office and signed a management deal. The rest may be history, but it"s a history that Epstein created, along with a blueprint for all pop groups ever since. Out of the public eye, Epstein was flamboyant and charismatic. He drank, gambled compulsively and took drugs to excess. But people remember his wit, charm and capacity to inspire affection and loyalty.
Publisher St. Martin's Press
Item Height 0.9in
Language English
Book Title In My Life : the Brian Epstein Story
Author Debbie Geller
Author Geller Debbie
Item Weight 15.9 Oz
Item Width 6.5in
Topic General
Topic Entertainment & Performing Arts
Topic Genres & Styles / Rock
Topic Industries / Entertainment
Publication Year 2000
Item Length 9.5in
ISBN-10 0312265646
ISBN-13 9780312265649
Number of Pages 208 Pages
Genre Biography & Autobiography
Genre Music
Genre Business & Economics
Format Hardcover
Edition Description Revised
Features Revised