New Mold Wheel of the Year dedicated to the upcoming old prechristian festival of Lughnasadh - the beginning of the harvest season. You can work with all kinds of wax, concrete, gypsum, jesmonite. Below you can read the information about Wheel Of the Year and its festival.

Dimensions of the finished product:
Diameter - 64 mm (2.51 inch)
Height: 42 mm (1.65 inch)
Weight – 110 grams

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by many modern pagans, follower of Wicca.

◈ Winter Solstice (Yule)—festival of the midwinter. The term Yule and cognates are still used in English and the Scandinavian languages as well as in Finnish and Estonian to describe Christmas and other festivals occurring during the winter holiday season.
◈ Imbolc (Candlemas) It marks the beginning of spring
◈ Spring Equinox (Ostara) - solar equinox, when the Sun crosses the Earth's equator.
◈ Beltane (May Eve) is the 1 May Day festival.
◈ Summer Solstice (Litha) - festival of the midsummer.
◈ Lughnasadh (Lammas) - festival marking the beginning of the harvest season.
◈Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - It is celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox (September 21-23), symbolizes the second harvest and summing up the year. On this day honors are paid to the deceased women in the family.
◈ Samhain (Hallows) - festival on November 1, marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter.

We offer author’s silicone mold of the best silicone which you can use comfortably for a very long time.
We start making the mold from 3D digital model , then 3D printer embodies it into a prototype, then we use it to make a silicone mold. We have the vacuum equipment that makes a prototype perfect without pores.

All processes are controlled carefully. Silicone mold is very flexible so you can extract your product easily without any additional equipment and at the same time mold wouldn’t be deformed. With this silicone mold you can make beautiful candles or soap. Make the newest trends of 2020 - 2022: the most graceful and elegant candles (statuette) that will decorate any room or will be a very nice gift.

There are two сuts on the mold which are needed for easy extraction. If you don’t need cuts inform us. The color of the molds may vary - it will not influence on the quality of the final product.

Heat-resistant temperature: -104 °F -- +392 °F or -40°C -- +200°C

In order to use the silicone mold correctly, you have to place it on a flat horizontal surface, fix the joint with rubber band or tape - make sure all cutting joints are in place.

❗The color of the molds may vary - it will not affect the quality of the final product.

Handling time: 2-5 days
Standard International shipping  (days)

US 13-22 
DE 9-23   
UK 11-25   
AU 15-27   
CA 15-36 
IT 14-29  
ES 11-25  
FR 12-20   
Other 10-25

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