Story Summary:

Berserk is a dark fantasy manga created by Kentaro Miura. The story follows the adventures of a lone mercenary named Guts, who is born from the corpse of his mother and raised by mercenaries. He eventually becomes a skilled warrior and joins the mercenary band called the Band of the Hawk led by Griffith.

Griffith, a charismatic and ambitious leader, seeks to become the ruler of his own kingdom. Guts becomes Griffith's trusted confidante and friend, but their relationship is strained when Griffith sacrifices his comrades to gain demonic powers and achieve his dream.

The story then follows Guts' journey for vengeance against Griffith, and his encounters with various supernatural creatures and other humans along the way. Guts is also haunted by a curse that causes him to attract demonic beings, which puts him in constant danger.

Throughout the story, Guts forms relationships with other characters such as the elf Puck, the witch Schierke, and the warrior Casca, who was once a member of the Band of the Hawk and has a complicated history with both Guts and Griffith.

The Berserk manga explores themes such as the struggle for power, the consequences of ambition, the nature of humanity, and the battle between good and evil. It is known for its graphic violence, sexual content, and mature themes.

Item Description:

Title: Berserk
Writer/Author: Miura Kentaro
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
Language: English Language
Volume: 1-41(END)
Genre: Science Fiction, Supernatural, Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Publisher: WOS Limited Manga