Common Name: Rheum officinale, R. palatum, Rhabarbarum, Rhubarb
Throbbing in head, sometimes proceeding from abdomen is relieved by Rheum.
Sweat on forehead and scalp after slight effort.
Rheum is useful in Otalgia with itching in ear.
Rheum is also useful in Crackling and bubbling in ear and in muscles on side of neck (Meniere's disease).
Rheum relieves Digging pains in teeth which are carious.
Painful sensation of coldness in teeth (with accumulation of much saliva).
Rheum is indicated in difficult dentition of children.
Rheum is indicated in Nausea, as if proceeding from stomach, with colic.
Fullness in stomach, with pressure, as if overloaded.
It relieves Shootings and throbbings in pit of stomach.
Rheum relieves Cuttings in abdomen, which force a curving of the body, often shortly after a meal, worse by standing, worse from eating.
Colic: worse at once by uncovering an arm or leg, not better by stool, before and during stool, better after, with very sour stools in acid children.
Stool and Anus
There is Urgent and frequent want to evacuate, without any result, worse by movement, and walking.
Rheum is useful in complaints of Loose evacuations, generally of a sour smell, liquid, or of the consistence of pap, preceded and followed by tenesmus, with constrictive pinching in abdomen, and shuddering during the evacuation.
Greyish or brown diarrhoea, mixed with mucus, followed by tenesmus, pain in back, and great burning in anus and rectum.
Profuse diarrhoea, with vomiting, and great weakness is helped by Rheum.
Female Sexual Organs
Bearing down in uterine region while standing.
Rheum is useful in Drawing burning in left ovarian region.
Rheum is indicated in Urinary complaints after abortion.
Milk yellow, bitter indicates Rheum.
It relieves Stitches in nipples.
Respiratory Organs
Cough: dry in evening, with expectoration of mucus.
Snoring inspiration during sleep can be checked by Rheum.