Croton tiglium(Dilution)

Tincture of the oil from the seeds.

Common Name: Croton-oil seed, Tiglium officinale  

Causes & Symptoms for Croton tiglium

Mind and Head

Dislike to labor. Weakness of memory.

Headache, worse in the morning.Pressure in the head, in the right temple and the side of the forehead

Numbness in the orbits, worse within doors and towards night, above all in the air. Fullness, cloudiness, and heaviness in the forehead indicates Croton tig.

Congestion in the head, proceeding from the abdomen, with hot skin and perspiration. Vertigo with dulness of the head

Eyes, ear, nose

Itching of the eyelids. Irritation of the conjunctiva indicates Croton tig.

Noise in the ear, dull aching in the direction of the two auditory ducts.

Burning in the nostrils. Internal irritation of the nose, dryness, difficult respiration by the nose.

Mouth and Throat

Gums bleed, when cleaning the teeth, interior swelling, sometimes painful.

Frequent salivation. Sensitiveness of the tip of the tongue.

Scraping in the throat, which provokes hawking is relieved with Croton tig.

Painful swelling of sub-maxillary glands and tonsils.

Stomach and abdomen

Nausea, and inclination to vomit, frequently, with continuous loathing and uneasiness indicates Croton tig.

Fullness with painful sensitiveness of the stomach, aching, sometimes with nausea and want of appetite

Hot milk worse colic. Colic in the umbilical region, sometimes more particularly in the evening, and with inflation of the abdomen, followed by an evacuation.

Cutting pains, with pinching, in the transverse colon, Tension and pain in the groins with flatulence.

Stool and Anus

Sensitiveness of rectum to touch.

Yellow watery stool, sudden expulsion, coming out like a shot, all at once, aggravation from the least food or drink is an indication of Croton tig.

Ejection of ascarides, and of the tenia solium.  After taking coffee, the stools stop.

Urinary complaints

When urinating, heat in the urethra, or in the glans.

Male complaints

Eczema especially of the scrotum, where the eruption itches intensely, but is so sensitive and sore to touch that he cannot scratch indicates Croton tig.

Pullings in the left spermatic cord, hindering walking

Female complaints

Excruciating pain running from nipple to back, mastitis indicates Croton tig.

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