Blueberry seeds do best if they are started in January and February, however, they will germinate anytime of the year if they receive enough light and heat. You should see nearly 100% germination. Plant seed in a flat or bed of peat moss. Peat moss should be 2 to 3” deep. Sprinkle the seed evenly over the top of the peat moss and gently over the seed. The seed should be no more than ½ to ¼” deep. Keep peat moss moist. Place the flat or bed in a warm location. A temp of 70 to 80◦ would be good. It is advisable to keep a small spray bottle of fungus spray handy to give them a little spray every 7 to 10 days to protect the seeds. Blueberry seeds are slow to germinate. The first seed will come to life in about 4 weeks. Most will germinate over the next couple of months. The new plants will be very tiny and fragile. Leave in the flat or bed until they are 2 – 3” tall, then remove and separate being careful to not damage the roots. Pot each individual plant in a container 3 to 4” in diameter using only peat moss, again keep the soil moist. Wait about 3 weeks to begin fertilizing. Use a gentle fertilizer . Be careful especially the first year to keep the plants thoroughly watered and fertilized. Keep the plants in the pots until they are around 8” tall, then re-pot into a larger pot such as a one-gallon container. Grow the plants/bushes until they are 12-16” tall before transplanting into the field. It is best to transplant in the fall after the plant has gone dormant. Many will bloom and have berries within two years. It will take a plant around seven years to reach maturity and full production.
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